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Wellness & Beauty

Jazz Boat

Cosmetic treatment including facial massage

After a thorough skin cleansing folows a 20-minute facial massage with a special cosmeticproduct. Then a face mask is applied accordingto your skin type and finally is made the finalskin treatment.We use Top brand cosmetics BABOR and KLAPP.



Jazz Boat

Treatment around the eyes with a micromassage

This procedure treats the area around the eyeswith special products to prevent prematureageing of the skin. This treatment leaves thewhole face looking youthful and fresh.



Jazz Boat

Mikro mesotherapy

Modern active agents (amino acids, Aloe Vera,hyaluronic acid, milk proteins, vitamins, andothers) are completely painlessly absorbedinto the skin using a special roller witha number of fine stainless-steel needles. Thisensures that the substances are absorbed deep13into the skin, where they can more effectivelywork on the complexion. This treatmentperfectly nourishes the skin and ensures itsnatural regeneration. It is suitable for all typesof healthy skin, with the exception of acne orcuprous skin.


Jazz Boat

SCEN TAO – body or facial care, hot-stone massage

The skin all over the body is massagedwith heated lava stones in the direction ofthe body’s energy paths. Stimulating thesepaths harmonises the bodily functions. Itstimulates the energy centres of the body,improves the overall flow of energy throughthe body and completely relaxes the bodyand mind. The main component of thistreatment is Scen-tao oil, which containsan anti-stress complex made from Asianplant essences (green tea, ginkgo biloba,Ginseng). This is a unique treatment for theface and the whole body.


Jazz Boat

Cellulite treatment

This is an effective way of firming up theskin using a powerful lifting complex. Thetherapeutic substance is applied all over thebody and gently massaged into the skin.The client is then placed in a warm SoftPack water bed, which enhances the liftingeffect and lets you enjoy a wonderful feelingof relaxation.



Jazz Boat


The Soft Pack is a unique technique allowingthe client to wear a pack at an ambienttemperature of 37 °C, ensuring that thetherapeutic substances applied to the bodyhave the maximum effect. Various substanceswith different effects can be used for thepacks. The client is laid on the heated surfaceof the Soft Pack and a layer of therapeuticsubstances is applied to the skin. The client isthen wrapped up and gradually lowered intowater heated to 37 °C, while an impermeablefilm remains between the client’s body and thewater. The client thus “floats” in the optimalenvironment, made lighter by the warm water.This environment makes the most of theeffects of the therapeutic substances and theSoft Pack greatly benefits the nervous system,the cardiovascular system, and muscle tone.

Jazz Boat

Ceremony of Gold– treatment with real gold

An exclusive face and body treatment usingcosmetics containing pure 24-carat gold. Goldis a precious metal which, being charged withenergy, stimulates the vital energy of the cellsand prolongs their vitality. The Ceremony ofGold cosmetic products combine the verylatest skin and body care active agents withslivers of pure 24-carat gold. Gold in itselfprotects the skin against the negative effects ofthe environment, boosts the skin’s immunityand increases its resistance.


Jazz Boat

Caviar Power Anti-ageing treatment

Caviar complex is rich in specific proteinsand a number of other substances which arethere to nourish your future embryo. Thistreatment uses these substances, which havea powerful regenerative effect. In a very shorttime it provides the skin with the hydrationit needs and is good at getting rid of smallwrinkles. Healthy and young-looking skin isa valuable feature of treatment using a caviarcomplex.


Jazz Boat

Hot Chocolate– chocolate massage

Do you love chocolate? Treat yourself toa session where you can enjoy the intensearoma of chocolate together with a relaxingmassage performed with the whole of the handand the forearm. As oil pressed from cocoabeans is used rather than instant powder, youget the intense aroma of chocolate while theoils offer the perfect treatment for your skin.



Jazz Boat

Massage with gold powder

Try this massage and you will be surprised. A relaxation massage with a fine powder is a part of treatment Ceremony of Gold and it can be carried separately. Essential oils contained in powdery substance softens your skin and golden powder contained in the face powder gives your skin the original luster. The massage is very pleasant and the result is visible.



Jazz Boat

Ba Guan – aroma-massage

A variation on the flask massage. Rubbersuction pads are used instead of glass flasks.As the suction is very gentle and helps to movethe flasks over the body, it does not result inany of the blotches that can appear aftera flask massage. Aroma oils are used for thismassage.


Jazz Boat

Silky hands– treatment and massage

This cosmetic procedure utilises the beneficialeffects of paraffin in suffusing the skin. Aftera series of paraffin baths, the hands are placedinto soft gloves that remain on until the skinfeels pleasant, warm and has softened. Thehands are then massaged in a particular wayand special cosmetics applied to the skin. Allof this will leave the skin on your hands feelingsoft and silky, the nails smooth, and any hardskin over the knuckles will be gentler to thetouch.

Jazz Boat

Silky feet– treatment and massage

This procedure also makes use of the beneficialeffects of a paraffin poultice. Paraffin is brushedonto the feet, which are then positioned toallow it to drain off, and then they are wrapped.When the skin feels pleasant, warm and thefeet are softer, they are given a special massageto encourage lymph drainage on the soles andaround the ankle. Finally, special cosmetics areput onto the skin. These soften the skin, relievethe sensation of heavy and swollen feet, andreduce cramp.